Day 222 – Is There a Doctor in the House?

Cindy was visited by many doctors today; one from cardiology, one from pulmonary, one from renal, one from gastro, and a hospitalist.  Each had seen the results of the tests from yesterday.  Each had an opinion of the best treatment for Cindy.  Give her this medicine, run this test, that vital sign is too high, it’s too low, feed her, don’t feed her, use that  tube, increase that, lower this, and on and on and on.   

Even the nurses were frustrated.

Eventually, all the doctors got together and agreed on a plan. 

And what did they decide?  To be honest with you, it was explained to us many times.  Basically, Cindy has Pulmonary Hypertension.  That is probably the root cause of all her problems because it affects her lungs, her heart, her kidneys and probably more.  I have to admit, I took lots of notes, but I’m confused.  So, dear readers, you’re going to have to be satisfied with knowing that tomorrow’s post will give a more “educated” description of Cindy’s situation.