Where did all the time go?
I realized today that it’s a good thing I’m not working – I just don’t have the time. You can see from my schedule above, I’m booked almost all day long. The schedule doesn’t include shopping, cooking, schlepping and running various errands.
Pauline was supposed to go to physical therapy for her knee today, but didn’t feel well enough so she cancelled the appointment. We did make it to her primary care doctor, Dr. Rhow, so she could figure out why Pauline is feeling so bad all the time. Dr. Rhow believes that she is suffering from vestibular toxicity – a problem in the inner ear. To make sure this is what the problem is, Pauline is going to see a neurologist and a physical therapist who specializes in vestibular toxicity. Meanwhile, she is taking Meclazine, a drug similar to Dramamine. Thankfully, it is helping Pauline feel better.
On the way home, my neice called me asking how I was doing on the app we had talked about developing. This is one of the projects I had planned on working on since I don’t have a job. I told her that taking care of Pauline was more time consuming that a full day at the office. I will be updating my calendar to schedule project ime for myself.
My next appointment was with my Rabbi to talk about helping with honors for the upcoming High Holidays. We spent a few minutes talking business and spent the rest of our time together talking about life and laughing. That was fun.
When I got home, I took a small break until my younger son got home. I took him to open a bank account so he can learn more about budgeting money while Pauline and I manage the funds he has available. I can tell this is going to be one of those trying times between parents and child.
My daughter was home from school by the time I walked in the door. I thought I needed to do something with her, but – at the time – there was nothing on my schedule. It turns out I missed her therapy appointment. I sent an email to the therapist and apologized. Then I put a recurring appointment on the calendar so this doesn’t happen again.
I was supposed to go out to dinner with a friend, but something came up and she cancelled. So I made dinner for my kids and joined them. After dinner I went for my usual walk. When I went outside I was greeted by my neighbor who occasionally walks with me. I hadn’t seen her for months and was pleased that she had time for a walk. We had a great discussion on spirituality and the walk was enjoyable. I was greeted by the smell of freshly baked cookies when I walked in the door. My granddaughter waas making cookies for her class tomorrow in celebration of her birthday. It was the best way to end my day.