Day 58
Day 57
Cindy’s recovery is moving along like a speeding bullet. Her catheter and trachea were removed today (Thursday). That means she has to get out if bed to pee and she will be breathing with absolutely no support. She also won’t be able to speak for a few days while the hole from the trachea heals.
This post is coming to you from Las Vegas.
Day 56
Day 55
Day 54
Day 53
We have some exciting news. Cindy’s trach tube was replaced by a smaller tube and then red capped. As you can see in the picture below, she is not hooked up to anything. She is breathing totally on her own with an oxygen tube in her nose. They are monitoring to see how she tolerates it. If it goes well for a week they will see if they can take out the trach.
Her nasal gastric feeding tube has been turned off and she is eating solid food.
Day 52
Day 51
Cindy had a problem with the nurses early this morning. It was the first time that one of the nurses was working on the floor and not in the ICU. They didn’t give Cindy her pain mess, had a huge problem with Cindy’s Foley catheter, spilled fluids on her bed when changing her IV, and put a urine saturated towel on her bed. They even laughed at her. Cindy called them over and said that she’s giving them an early Christmas gift by not reporting them but they are not allowed to be her nurses again.
Cindy’s roommate is back from ICU. Her daughter came by yesterday and put up a small Christmas tree and lights.
This morning, Cindy had scrambled eggs and Corn Flakes. This afternoon she had her first solid meal of pasta and meat sauce.
Day 50
Cindy used a walker to help her keep her balance as she sat in the chair today for 1 1/2 hours. She had lunch while she was sitting there. You can check out the menu and lunch below. Things didn’t look so appetizing. The bread (bottom right) wasn’t great, she doesn’t like rice (top left) or anything green (zucchini in this case), but she liked the bow ties and butter (bowl in the middle). It tasted like it was made with chicken broth.